Stuff that pops into my head. Innit.

Tuesday 8 June 2010


Gesundheit. Have any of you heard these things, the sort of homemade trumpet/horn things the South Africans insist on blowing all the fucking time during a football match? No, allow me to share the joy........

"They're fun" says Mrs Rascal. "Fun?" I'd rather somersault off the Eiffel Tower into a saucer of broken glass and radioactive scorpions than have that noise assaulting my ears. Is it too late to ban these things - because if it is, I might as well move to Paris now.


Anonymous said...

I would use a minimum of 10 other words to describe those horns and none of them are "fun".

They are all directly related to "annoying".

fizzee rascal said...

Not good are they?

Miss Melicious said...

yes....that is an assault on the ears for is his hard hat an assault on the eyes.