Stuff that pops into my head. Innit.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Stirling and its Uni

As I mentioned a while back, my youngest daughter has just started university down in sunny Stirling- home of Braveheart himself, William Wallace- and as I've finally summoned up the inclination to get the photos onto the PC I thought I'd share them with you guys.
And yes, everything in Stirling is named after Mr. Wallace, no matter how tenuous the link.

This prison style structure is one of the halls of residence

The NSA, which is on campus

A campus complete with a rather nice lake

This is Gabi's actual hall, she's about halfway along on the top floor.

This is the Wallace monument, and yes, it looks a bit like a cock.



The Beans said...

Oh dear, the cock monument... XD

Is your daughter adjusting to uni life well?


Unknown said...

That prison block halls looks and awful like my old school...

fizzee rascal said...

Barb- there was a period when she was missing people, but she's over that now and doing pretty well.

Tom- yeah, it doesn't look great in those pics, but in reality they were ok.